
Differentiation means not having to outspend competitors to win

It's tempting to believe that business success comes down to who spends the most. Larger marketing budgets can amplify reach, but spending alone doesn't create meaning. Companies often waste resources by chasing visibility without a clear sense of what makes them different.

Clarity on why your brand exists

Brands with a clearly defined purpose know exactly why they exist. This clarity gives every marketing decision direction, ensuring efforts contribute to the broader strategy to achieve business goals. When your teams understand your brand’s purpose, they make better decisions that align with the organization’s, and your audiences’, core values.

Your brand purpose is the expression of your highest possible intentions and one that solves a real, true dilemma in the world or for your customers. It’s the very reason you exist relative to the needs and ideals of the market, your customers/prospects, and the world. It must be a resonant purpose – one that enriches the lives of customers (or future customers) and employees alike.

Understanding the needs and aspirations of your community

Instead of trying to be everything to everyone, successful brands commit to what makes them unique. By understanding your audience deeply, you can craft messages and experiences that resonate emotionally. People connect with brands that mirror their values, needs, and goals. Are you faster, simpler, or more innovative? That’s not enough. Anchoring your brand in meaningful differences shapes both your message and your audience’s perception.

Spending less money but more time to create real meaning

For example, within the enterprise security technology category, the status quo has been to tout security software that locks things down, creates limitations, and plays off the fear that comes with the threat of large-scale data breaches. Looking to create something different, the founders of startup data security company, Oleria, had a groundbreaking vision for security as a tool for innovation and collaboration, as well as protection. Northbound worked with Oleria to distill the founders’ vision into their purpose: Security that sets your business free. The emotion “freedom” resonates with its audiences’ needs and aspirations because it celebrates flexibility with security rather than limitations. And this approach has paid off. Since general availability began in April 2024, Oleria has a growing roster of enterprise and Fortune 500 customers adopting its security platform and in November 2024 was named a winner in Fast Company's 2024 Next Big Things in Tech Award.

To generate resonance become an "only"

Define what makes your brand the "only" in your space that delivers on the audiences’ wants and needs. Better or best isn’t good enough, because it can be outpaced. Being an “only” is about tapping into what only you believe, do, resolve, or create for customers. For example, Oleria is the only security and identity company that gives business the freedom they need to innovate.

Internal team alignment

Your internal team should feel like they’re part of the same community as your customers. When they do, your team members become advocates who amplify your message authentically. When teams aren’t united by a shared understanding of the brand’s purpose and differentiation, they waste time and resources on disconnected efforts that don’t reinforce the brand’s positioning.

Ensure your team knows why the brand exists, how it’s different, and who should care. With alignment across teams, your messaging becomes consistent, reinforcing your differentiation and building trust with your audience.

Why meaningful differentiation is more cost-effective

Meaningful differentiation doesn't require bigger budgets to break through. In fact, it reduces the need to spend. When a brand is focused and clear on why it exists, how it's different, and the needs and aspirations of its community, it naturally attracts the right audience — without the need for excessive spending. Invest the time to clarify why your brand exists, ensure there is alignment across your teams, and create emotional resonance with all of your audiences and you will drive growth more effectively than dollars alone.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.