
Namestorm: A quick path to effective naming

Finding the perfect descriptive name for a product, service, or feature can be a challenging task. It requires creativity, strategy, and alignment with your naming strategy. If you’re stuck on how to name something, a Namestorm might be the solution. A Namestorm is a fast, collaborative, and straightforward approach to co-creating viable descriptive name candidates that are ready for stakeholder approval.

What is a Namestorm?

A Namestorm is a focused naming session designed to help teams quickly generate a list of potential names that align with a company’s strategic objectives. This method is specifically for descriptive names and works best when the value proposition is already defined, and there’s clarity on where the name will fit within the customer experience and the company’s portfolio. It’s an efficient and cost-effective way to overcome the hurdle of naming when creativity seems to have hit a wall.

Benefits of a Namestorm

There are several key advantages to using a Namestorm for your naming needs:

Speed and Efficiency: Unlike traditional naming processes that can take weeks or even months, a Namestorm enables you to generate a variety of potential names quickly. This rapid approach saves time and keeps projects moving forward without unnecessary delays.

Cost-Effective: Because the Namestorm process is short and focused, it typically incurs lower costs. This makes it an excellent choice for startups and small businesses that need effective results without breaking the bank.

Immediate Results: A Namestorm provides immediate outcomes. Within a single session, you’ll have a list of name candidates ready for review and approval, allowing you to swiftly advance to the next stage of your branding efforts.

Flexibility: The Namestorm process is dynamic and adaptable. As you generate and evaluate names, you can quickly refine your choices based on immediate feedback and insights, ensuring that the final options are as strong as possible.

Reduced Decision Fatigue: Long, drawn-out naming processes can lead to decision fatigue, where teams become overwhelmed by the number of choices and lose focus. A Namestorm narrows down options quickly, reducing stress and keeping the decision-making process straightforward.

Enhanced Collaboration: The Namestorm process is inherently collaborative, involving a small group of subject-matter experts and key decision-makers. This engagement boosts morale, fosters creativity, and ensures that all perspectives are considered.

Focus on Essentials: By concentrating on the most crucial elements of your brand identity—such as your value proposition, target audience, and unique differentiators—a Namestorm ensures that the names generated align perfectly with your brand’s vision and goals.

When to use a Namestorm

Namestorms are particularly useful when you need to generate descriptive names and have already established a clear naming strategy and value proposition. This process is not suited for names that require trademarks or when there’s a need for more extensive creative ideation. Instead, it’s ideal when you need a quick turnaround and have a clear understanding of the naming context and criteria.

How a Namestorm works

Kick-off meeting: Review and agree to milestones and dependencies, discuss inputs, and key success criteria.

Discovery: 2-4 days of reviewing customer research inputs and insights, as well as the competitive landscape.

Namestorm: Typically, a 90- to 120-minute workshop, done in two parts.

1. Ground setting & ideation

  • Set the stage: including warm up exercises and brief review, inclusive of whatever insights that came of competitive research conducted through the discovery phase
  • Identify potential grounding terms, which are words that help ground names in the right context, capability or category)
  • Explore words that capture the benefits, which are words that communicate why these matter to or helps the target audience.
  • Explore words that capture how this offering is different from/better than competitive offerings.

2. Name creation and evaluation

  • Build names individually, in teams, or as a group from lists of benefits, differentiators, grounding terms.
  • Evaluate the name options generated against the success criteria. You can outline pros/cons or just tabulate how well each name meets the criteria.
  • At the end of this step, you will have a shortlist of naming candidates that deliver on success criteria.

A Namestorm is an efficient and collaborative way to generate strong, descriptive names ready for stakeholder review. It brings together key decision-makers to focus on what matters most, ensuring that the final name aligns with your brand identity and objectives.

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